I have been so extremely busy this past month, that keeping up with my blog was NOT a priority. This past month we have had so much going on, my brother's wedding (pictures to follow later), appointments for the twins, and appointments for Noah.
He starts kindergarten this fall and we had to get his physical and 5 year old shots...also he had to get a dental exam. I had to meet with the superintendent of Bonsall to try and get him into their school district instead of Fallbrook (where we live). Bonsall is 6 miles down the road, and is 100X better than Fallbrook schools. It was not easy getting an inter-district transfer, but we got the ok! So Noah will officially be going to kindergarten in Bonsall. Yeah...I still can't believe he is going to start kindergarten though!!!
Noah also started karate this month. He is doing extremely well and is very focused on learning as much as he can. He "earned" his white belt already, only 2 lessons into it. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal since it is only a white belt, but you start with no belt and have to work your way up. The instructor is amazed at how focused he is, being he is only 4 1/2.
I also went back to work this past month, working every other weekend in the ER again. It works out well, Justin is home with the boys while I work, so its less worrisome for me. We miss all the family time we used to have, but the added income is greatly appreciated!
As for the little monkeys...lets start with Ethan. He is doing great! Talking up a storm and kicking his legs like crazy. He also LOVES to hold his hands together as though he is praying, it is so precious. He rolls over from tummy to back no problem, and is working on rolling over from back to tummy. All in due time little man!!! His eyes remain a gorgeous blue, his hair now blonde, instead of the red it was for the past few months. He also reaches and grabs for toys and brings them straight to his mouth! He weighs in at 13lbs 15oz and is 24 inches long!!!
Now for Christopher, my chunky monkey. He is also talking up a storm, giggling and laughing(i forgot how precious baby laughs and giggles are!). He is rolling ALL over the place...He first rolled over this past Tuesday and let me tell you I can not leave him unattended anymore. I leave the room for one second and come back and he is on the other side of the room. He has beautiful big brown eyes, dark hair. He is topping the scales at 14lbs 14oz. and is 24 1/2 inches long!
Their interaction together is amazing. As I write this post, they are lying on the floor under their puppy dog play center and are chatting away together and holding hands. They are constantly aware of each other and what is going on. They LOVE to be close to each other so they can be touching. Justin and I hold them face to face and are amused at how they talk and check each other out. It is such an amazing feeling watching this bond grow and grow over time.
So sorry it has taken me so long to post, but as you can tell, life is chaotic. And I don't think it will get any easier any time soon. Noah starts soccer soon, so it will just be another thing on my TO DO list!!! I don't have time to post pictures right now, but I will try to post some from my brother's wedding, karate, and general one this weekend.
Hope everyone is doing well!!